Below you can find a list of the strings that can be localized and how to change them globally
This is the list of strings that can be localized. You can change a string globally (for all languages) like this:
customText.actionPaymentCompleted = 'Yes!!!'
Or, for a specific language (supported are: nl, en, de, or pt), so:
For Dutch would be like this: = 'Gelukt!!!'
For English would be like this:
customText.en.actionPaymentCompleted = 'Success!!!'
For German would be like this: = 'Erfolgreich!!!'
For Portuguese would be like this: = 'Conseguido!!!'
Below are all keys and the default value for them if they are not overruled by your settings.
Option |
Default value |
actionPaymentCompleted |
Payment Completed |
actionPaymentError |
An error occurred while processing the card. <br> Please try again or use a different card. |
actionPostbackError |
An error occurred while processing your action. Please try again. |
clickToRetry |
Message not delivered. Click to retry. |
clickToRetryForm |
Form not submitted. Click anywhere on the form to retry. |
connectNotificationText |
Give us a way to reach out: |
connectNotificationSingleText |
Be notified when you get a reply. |
connectNotificationSingleButtonText |
Turn on <name> notifications |
connectNotificationOthersText |
others |
conversationTimestampHeaderFormat |
MMMM D YYYY, h:mm A |
couldNotConnect |
Couldn't connect. You can {retry}. |
couldNotConnectInner |
retry connecting now |
couldNotConnectWithRetry |
Couldn't connect. We'll keep retrying, or you can {retry}. |
couldNotConnectWithRetryInner |
try now |
emailChangeAddress |
Change my email |
emailDescription |
To be notified by email when you get a reply, enter your email address. |
emailFieldLabel |
Your email |
emailFieldPlaceholder |
Your email address |
emailFormButton |
Continue |
fetchHistory |
Load more |
fetchingHistory |
Retrieving history... |
fileTooLargeError |
Max file size limit exceeded ({size}) |
fileTypeError |
Unsupported file type. |
formErrorInvalidEmail |
Email is invalid |
formErrorNoLongerThan |
Must contain no more than ({characters}) characters |
formErrorNoShorterThan |
Must contain at least ({characters}) characters |
formErrorUnknown |
This doesn't look quite right |
formFieldSelectPlaceholderFallback |
Choose one... |
frontendEmailChannelDescription |
To talk to us using email just send a message to our email address and we\'ll reply shortly: |
headerText |
How can we help? |
imageClickToReload |
Click to reload image. |
imageClickToView |
Click to view {size} image. |
imagePreviewNotAvailable |
Preview not available. |
inputPlaceholder |
Type a message... |
inputPlaceholderBlocked |
Complete the form above... |
introAppText |
Message us below or from your favorite app. |
introductionText |
We\'re here to talk, so ask us anything! |
lineChannelDescription |
To talk to us using LINE, scan this QR code using the LINE app and send us a message. |
linkError |
An error occurred when attempting to generate a link for this channel. Please try again. |
locationNotSupported |
Your browser does not support location services or it’s been disabled. Please type your location instead. |
locationSecurityRestriction |
This website cannot access your location. Please type your location instead. |
locationSendingFailed |
Could not send location |
locationServicesDenied |
This website cannot access your location. Allow access in your settings or type your location instead. |
messageError |
An error occured while sending your message. Please try again. |
messageIndicatorTitlePlural |
({count}) New messages |
messageIndicatorTitleSingular |
({count}) New message |
messageRelativeTimeDay |
{value}d ago |
messageRelativeTimeHour |
{value}h ago |
messageRelativeTimeJustNow |
Just now |
messageRelativeTimeMinute |
{value}m ago |
messageTimestampFormat |
h:mm A |
messageSending |
Sending... |
messageDelivered |
Delivered |
messengerChannelDescription |
Connect your Facebook Messenger account to be notified when you get a reply and continue the chat on Facebook Messenger. |
notificationSettingsChannelsDescription |
You can also talk to us from your favorite app or service. |
notificationSettingsChannelsTitle |
Other Channels |
notificationSettingsConnected |
Connected |
notificationSettingsConnectedAs |
Connected as {username} |
prechatCaptureGreetingText |
Hi there 👋\nTo start off, we\'d like to know a little bit more about you: |
prechatCaptureNameLabel |
Your name |
prechatCaptureNamePlaceholder |
Type your name... |
prechatCaptureEmailLabel |
prechatCaptureEmailPlaceholder | |
prechatCaptureConfirmationText |
Thanks for that! What can we help you with? |
prechatCaptureMailgunLinkingConfirmation |
You\'ll be notified here and by email at {email} once we reply. |
sendButtonText |
Send |
settingsHeaderText |
Settings |
shareLocation |
Share location |
smsBadRequestError |
We were unable to communicate with this number. Try again or use a different one. |
smsCancel |
Cancel |
smsChangeNumber |
Change my number |
smsChannelDescription |
Connect your SMS number to be notified when you get a reply and continue the chat over SMS. |
smsChannelPendingDescription |
Check your messages at {number} to confirm your phone number. |
smsContinue |
Continue |
smsInvalidNumberError |
Your phone number isn't valid. Please try again. |
smsLinkCancelled |
Link to {appUserNumber} was cancelled. |
smsLinkPending |
Pending |
smsPingChannelError |
There was an error sending a message to your number. |
smsSendText |
Send me a text |
smsStartTexting |
Start Texting |
smsTooManyRequestsError |
A connection for that number was requested recently. Please try again in {minutes} minutes. |
smsTooManyRequestsOneMinuteError |
A connection for that number was requested recently. Please try again in 1 minute. |
smsUnhandledError |
Something went wrong. Please try again. |
tapToRetry |
Message not delivered. Tap to retry. |
tapToRetryForm |
Form not submitted. Tap anywhere on the form to retry. |
telegramChannelDescription |
Connect your Telegram account to be notified when you get a reply and continue the chat on Telegram |
unsupportedMessageType |
Unsupported message type. |
unsupportedActionType |
Unsupported action type. |
uploadDocument |
Upload document. |
uploadInvalidError |
Invalid file. |
uploadPhoto |
Upload photo. |
uploadVirusError |
A virus was detected in your file and it has been rejected |
viberChannelDescription |
Connect your Viber account to be notified when you get a reply and continue the chat on Viber. To get started, scan the QR code using the Viber app. |
viberChannelDescriptionMobile |
Connect your Viber account to be notified when you get a reply and continue the chat on Viber. To get started, install the Viber app and tap Connect. |
viberQRCodeError |
An error occurred while fetching your Viber QR code. Please try again. |
wechatChannelDescription |
Connect your WeChat account to be notified when you get a reply and continue the chat on WeChat. To get started, scan this QR code using the WeChat app. |
wechatChannelDescriptionMobile |
Connect your WeChat account to be notified when you get a reply and continue the chat on WeChat. To get started, save this QR code image and upload it <a href=\'weixin://dl/scan\'>QR code scanner</a>. |
wechatQRCodeError |
An error occurred while fetching your WeChat QR code. Please try again. |
whatsappChannelDescriptionDesktop |
Sync your account to WhatsApp by scanning the QR code or clicking the link below.\nThen, send the pre-populated message to validate the sync request. (Your code: ). |
whatsappChannelDescriptionMobile |
Sync your account to WhatsApp by clicking the link below.\nThen, send the pre-populated message to validate the sync request. (Your code: ). |
whatsappLinkingError |
An error occurred while fetching your WhatsApp linking information. Please try again. |
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