As you may know, there are several ways to receive your leads. One option is to receive your leads in LEF. You will receive all data, related to the lead, directly in LEF, so you won’t have to fill out all the data manually. To set this up, we need the so-called Web1on1 Hexon IDs of each location. Do you have 5 locations? Then we need 5 different IDs.
How/where can you retrieve these Web1on1 Hexon IDs?
- Go to your data party (RDC/VWE/Autodata)
- Tell them you want to receive the chat leads of Web1on1 in LEF and ask them if they could generate the Web1on1 Hexon IDs. The data party has a functionality in their system to generate those IDs. Please note that these IDs contain up to 3 digits (incorrect: 65432, correct: 511).
- Send the IDs to your CSM/Account manager
- Web1on1 will send a test lead to see if everything works correctly
- If everything works fine, Web1on1 will set up the full connection
- Done!
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