Our first contact receptionist bot will help direct your visitors to the right person or take their details, whatever time of the day or night.
The 24/7 receptionist bot works around the clock as the first point of contact for every chat visitor. It asks the visitor for their requirements before transferring them to a live person or capturing their details if no-one's available.
Cost: 40 chatpoints
Pre-requisites: You will firstly need to hire the chatbot in your Botstore by going to Chatbot > Bot store
1. How can the 24/7 receptionist help chat visitors?
🤖 As a 24/7 receptionist, I will do the following things for you:
Clarify the client's reason for initiating a chat;
Ask for their location, so I know the nearest dealership to direct their requests;
- Ask for relevant contact details, preferred follow up communication channel and pass on the message.
2. How do I configure the bot?
Before activating the 24/7 receptionist, you will be presented with a series of configurable options. If you leave them empty the default text will be used.
- Check PartnerOrg: (Yes/No): This applies to brands wanting to forward chats to partner dealers.
Welcome Text: (Default Text: Welcome, is this the question you would like to be answered?)
- Email Text: (Default Text: Please type your email address)
- Telephone Text: (Default Text: Please type your phone number (+44 ...)
- Goodbye Text: (Default Text: One of my colleagues will contact you as soon as possible. Have a nice day!)
Redirected to: (Sales/AfterSales): You can choose for your chats to be routed to Sales or Aftersales departments. The 24/7 receptionist bot will route to them via the configured locations & departments.
- Select Contact Details: (Ask Contact/Phone Only/Email Only/Ask All): Selecting "Ask Contact" means that a contact can choose how they would like to be contacted, either by phone, email or optionally WhatsApp*. "Ask All" means the bot will always ask for an email address and phone number. "Phone Only" will only ask for an phone number and "Email Only" will only ask an email address
*If a WhatsApp channel is configured, you can add an opt-in feature that asks your visitor if they'd like to continue the chat in WhatsApp.
3. Ask for marketing consent
If you'd like to send marketing material to a contact, you can comply with GDPR requirements by asking the customer for their marketing consent within the chat. The 24/7 receptionist can be configured to automatically send a question asking for consent to use the customer's contact information for marketing purposes.
Configuring a marketing consent question
To make use of this feature, as an admin, go to the Chatbots tab → my bots and click on the 24/7 receptionist and click on the Config form tab. Scroll down to the bottom of the form and activate the marketing consent question by selecting 'true' and then defining the question.
4. Add an opt-in to the WhatsApp template.
For this you will need to have a WhatsApp channel configured with Web1on1.
When the customer has picked the WhatsApp channel and given their phone number, the 24/7 receptionist can automatically send a message asking for consent to continue the chat in WhatsApp.
Creating a WhatsApp Opt-in Template
As an admin user, go to the Content Library. Click on WA Templates and click on the + button at the bottom right.
Use the information below to create a message or edit to your own requirements.
Name: wa_optin_message
Category: Alert
Language: language of the message
Header: None
Content: See the examples below (you can copy and paste)
Footer: None
Button: Quick reply: Yes, I'm fine
Example sentences
English: Hi there, are you happy for us to follow up your inquiry via WhatsApp?
Dutch: Hallo, vind je het goed als wij je (aan)vraag opvolgen via WhatsApp?
German: Hallo, ist es für Sie in Ordnung, dass wir Ihre Anfrage per WhatsApp weiterverfolgen?
French: Bonjour, êtes-vous d'accord pour que nous donnions suite à votre demande via WhatsApp?
Spanish: Hola, ¿está de acuerdo con que hagamos un seguimiento de su consulta a través de WhatsApp?
5. Activating 24/7 receptionist outside office hours
The 24/7 receptionist can be activated using a specific routing rule. In the example below the 24/7 receptionist is activated outside regular office hours (0900-1700) on weekdays. Please make sure to put this rule on top of all your routing rules.
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