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WhatsApp - WhatsApp links and QR codes

WhatsApp links and QR codes are a great way to invite your customers to communicate

Go straight to:  

  1. How to create a WA link

  2. How to create a QR code

  3. Using your WA links and QR codes


Cost: WhatsApp Business prices change in 2023 - click here for more info

How to create a WhatsApp link

Clicking on a WhatsApp link or scanning a QR code will open up a new user-initiated conversation in the company's WhatsApp account. With it, you can choose to send an introductory message of your choice. 

The structure of a WhatsApp link is always the same: 

Use: https://wa.me/1XXXXXXXXXX
Don't use: https://wa.me/+001-(XXX)XXXXXXX

For example, when you would like the sentence to be: 

Hello, I would like to make a service appointment for my vehicle

and the phone number is +31202251635

The link will look like this: 

REMEMBER - make sure you remove the + sign in the phone number, otherwise the link won't work.

More info from WhatsApp help center: Create your own link


QR codes

QR codes can be used to link the offline world with the online world. By scanning a QR code with your mobile phone, you will be directed to a URL.

You can create a QR code automatically that customers can scan in order to initiate a WhatsApp conversation.  You can add a pre-defined sentence that the customer can click on to start the conversation. This can be recognized by the WhatsApp Dispatcher Bot, which will then set the right location & department and route the chat to the relevant inbox.

How do I create a QR code for my organization?

First, from then navigation bar, go to your WhatsApp integration in the Web1on1 communications platform  Organization > [your_organisation] > Channels

Then click on the WhatsApp link. When the section opens, click on the 'Links' link at the top of the screen.


Next, type in the first message in the text box provided - eg Hello, I would like to make a service appointment for my vehicle. 

Then click the Download QR code button to download the code in SVG format. This is a vector format that allows you to resize the image without losing resolution.

Suggestions on how to use this link

After you have made this WA link and/or QR code, you can use it in multiple ways:

  1. Create a WhatsApp button from that link (and add it as much as possible on the website : footer / vehicle detail pages …)
  2. Create the QR code (see below "How to create a QR code")

Use-Case: Start WhatsApp chat & direct routing

By putting a QR code on the front desk saying "Do you want to keep informed via WhatsApp?, scan this QR code and send us your licenseplate" clients can easily start a WhatsApp chat with your service team.


Use-Case: Direct contact with sales advisors

Using QR codes makes it really easy for clients to contact specific sales advisors via WhatsApp. These QR codes can be used on Business cards etc.

Just click on the Copy Link in your personal settings (see video below) and create a QR code by using this URL in free tools such as https://www.qrcode-monkey.com/ and https://www.qr-code-generator.com/.


The advantage of using this option?

  • You are actively promoting WhatsApp communications with your company (which beats emailing and calling, right?)
  • Your company's WhatsApp number will be added to your clients' contact list. Making it easier for them to reach out to you in the future.
  • Convenient 1-on-1 chats help you speed up your sales / service process.

Use-Case: Dynamic WhatsApp link

It is possible to work with dynamic WhatsApp links. These will let your visitor click on a CTA button, and immediately send a pre-filled sentence based on the page parameters (car model, location, website URL...). Those additional information will help your team (or Web1on1 team) to better handle those WA chats. 

An example with a Web1on1 client: 

When clicking on the CTA, the WhatsApp is prefilled with the vehicle information. 

Notes: Configuring the dynamic WhatsApp links' will require some work of your website manager. 

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