Use chatbots to automate sales appointments

Schedule appointments around the clock to generate more test drives, showroom visits and video calls

Cost:  40 Chatpoints per appointment booked (more info about Chatpoints)

Go straight to: 

  1. Why are appointment bots good for my business?

  2. How to hire, configure and activate the bots 

Why are appointment bots good for my business?

Booking a test drive or showroom visit or taking part in a real-time video call should be as engaging as driving the vehicle. Now they can be with the Web1on1 appointment bots.

Benefits for dealers:

  • Increase your appointment conversion rates
  • Leads with appointments are more likely to convert to sales 
  • Chatbots can arrange appointments whatever time of the day or night
  • During opening hours, chatbots are a cost-effective first line, backed up by human agents

How do I activate appointment bots?

This short guide demonstrates how to activate the following chatbots from the Web1on1 bot store: 

  • Test drive appointment
  • Showroom appointment
  • Video call appointment

How to hire, configure and activate appointment bots 

1. Hire a bot

In your Bots  section, click on the Bot store,  then search for the desired appointment bot, and click Hire

Tips: Search for "appointment" in the search bar (top right)

2. Configure your bot

Once hired, the following configuration page will allow you to customize the settings. 

See more:

For more information or advanced configuration (eg: combination with WhatsApp), please visit these complete guides: 


3. Activate your bot

After the bot is hired and configured, you will need to decide when the bot should jump in. There are three options for this: 

a. Start a bot via a Call-to-Action (CTA) on your website


b. Configure routing to activate a bot

c. Activate a bot as part of a hybrid chat conversation


See more:

For a step-by-step guide on how to activate those bots, please visit the article Appointment bots - How to activate the bots?

Need help?  Contact our Support Team via our Help Center Chatbot