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My account - How do I reset my password?

Follow these steps if you have forgotten your password

Forget password? It happens to the best of us.

To reset your password, click Forgot password? At the login window and follow the instructions to set up your new password.

You cannot reset passwords for accounts associated with a social login (Google), only with email usernames. You'll need to log in with the applicable social account to gain access.


You'll be redirected to the Reset your Password page where you should enter the email address you used to set up your account. If the address is recognised, the system will email you a link allowing you to reset your password. If you don't receive the email in your inbox, check your spam folder.

Click the link and follow the onscreen instructions to register a new password. Please use a strong password (we enforce 12 characters minimum). Read more about our password policy.

Once that’s done, you can sign in and enter your account with your newly created password.

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